The Challa Gardens Primary School Library is a warm and welcoming place for students, staff and families.
The library has a wide range of novels, picture books, graphic novels and information books providing for all interests and reading abilities. Our range of reading resources cater to all areas of the Australian Curriculum.
Our core purpose is to:
- engage students in developing a love for reading that enhances their growth as life-long readers
- develop students’ inquiry skills through research using both book and internet resources
- provide teachers and classes with rich quality resources to support in teaching and learning.
Each class visits the library once a week:
- to work with the Teacher Librarian in choosing appropriate and ‘good fit’ books for reading at home. Each student is seen as an individual and so importance of book selection for enjoyment is significant
- to promote the development of information literacy skills.
The library is also open each day Tuesday to Friday.
Use of the library to read, borrow, chat and play games is encouraged before and after school, and during lunchtimes.